Whether at home, at work or in the factory, it's important to be
prepared to treat minor injuries. But even if you have a kit, it may no
longer cover incidents that are now more prevalent than they had been.
- 4 - Abdominal Wound Combine Pad, Sterile, 5" x 9"
- 50 - Adhesive Bandages, Sheer Plastic, 1" x 3"
- 2 - Adhesive Strips for Eye Pads, 3/8 X 5, 2’S
- 50 - Benzalkonium (BZK) Antiseptic Wipes
- 2 - Burnshield Burn Dressing Pad, 4" x 4"
- 25 - Burnshield Burn Gel, 3.5mL 1/8oz Packets
- 1 - CPR Mask / Protector
- 8 - EverGuard Exam Gloves, Vinyl, Large
- 2 - Eye Pads, Sterile, 1-5/8" x 2-5/8"
- 1 - First Aid Chart, 5" x 13"
- 2 - Gauze Bandage Roll, Stretch, Non-Sterile, 2" x 5 yards
- 1 - Gauze Bandage Roll, Stretch, Non-Sterile, 4" x 5 Yards
- 4 - Gauze Pads, Sterile, 3" x 3", 12 ply
- 10 - Hand Sanitizer Packet, 0.9gm
- 2 - Instant Cold Pack, Disposable, 7" x 4", In Unit Box
- 1 - Padded Aluminum Splint, 36"
- 1 - Red Handled Scissors, 3.5"
- 1 - Tourniquet, Latex-Free, 1" x 18"
- 2 - Trianglular Bandage, Non-Sterile, 40" x 40" x 51"/56"
- 25 - Triple Antibiotic Ointment Packets, 0.9g
- 2 - Waterproof Medical Tape, 1" X 2-1/2 yards, In Kit Unit Box, 2's
Model Number: EVRANSIBPL