
IV Start Kit ND w/ Veni Guard


This item requires a Prescription Drug Authorization Form on file.

Before we can ship this product to you, we must have a completed PDA on file for your organization. PDA is a form that gets filled out by your Medical Director or Pharmacist-in-Charge, and provides the approval we need to process your order. Email to Click here to download


Kit Components: 

  • 1- Alcohol Prep Pads, 2ply
  • 1-Tourniquet, Latex-Free, 1" x 18"
  • 1- Tape ADH Clear, H/A "1 x1 - 1/2, Transpore CKP
  • 1- Standardbore IV Extension Set with AMSafe Injection site - 8"
  • 2- Ever Ready First Aid Sterile Gauze Pads 4" X 4" 12-Ply
  • 1- Povidone Iodine Swab
  • 1- Saline Flush Syringe - 10 mL
  • 1-Veni-Gard IV Stabilization Dressing

Extra Information

Dixie EMS